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AOI Scope Deliverable

This section outlines the documents that typically coincide with the AOI Scope Phase. If some paragraph titles look familiar, it is because they were initially outlined as part of the AOI Initial Look Deliverable. The AOI Scope Phase builds upon the AOI Initial Look Deliverable and defines in greater detail each issue and desired functionality in much more detail.

AOI Scope Summary Documentation

 Paragraph Title Paragraph Description
Document Overview Summary of document
Assumptions more expectations and assumptions
Reasons for Action reasons for undertaking project
Issues Issues, tasks and solutions
Financials Initial cost and time quotes
From Here Initial suggested course of action
AOI Scope Comparison Documentation
Paragraph Title Paragraph Description
Office 95 vs. 97 Pros/cons of Microsoft Office 95 vs. 97
Access Option Initial pros/cons of just Access & VBA
Access & SQL Initial pros/cons of Access and SQL
Windows / NT Pros/cons Windows vs. Windows NT
SQL Option Initial pros/cons using a SQL/VB database
Third-Party Pros/cons of other ODBC compliant engines
Ideal World If money were no object scenario

AOI Scope Detail

More detailed rendition of Scope summary items
Issues/Reasons for Action Detail Identifies reasons for undertaking project
Minimum Scope Detail The minimum expectation of the project
Recommended Scope Detail Recommended expectation of project
Financials Minimum Scope Detail Approx. cost of minimum scope
Financials Recommended Scope Detail Approx. cost of recommended scope

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